Free Fire Zone: Winning the War on Terrorism One First Down at a Time

Ward Churchill: Little Big Horn II

by: badanov

Interesting case. This Ward Churchill saga actually goes to the heart of Affirmative Action. A white guy takes a job intended for an Indian guy, yet the white guy claims to be an Indian guy. Then the white guy goes and attacks all other white guys for being, well white guys, and the Indian guys attack the white guy for being, well, a white guy.

Add to that, the white guy doesn't even have a master's degree, which in reputable universities is a basic requirement for professorship. And I should know, I don't have a masters.

This story contains allegations of slander, plagiarism, sloppy academic work, and outrageous and false academic claims. The only thing missing is a Deep Throat, but I suspect the CU Hiring committee which brought this guy on board has that activity well and truly covered.

But I know what the real issue is: Will the Buffs come to play this fall, or will they roll over and let every team in the Big 12 north walk over them like an applicant at CU hiring committee meeting? Enquiring minds wanna know.


This story is 6914 days old.

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