Free Fire Zone: Those who fail to understand history are doomed to retake the class.

NewsRealBlog: Horowitz Pulls the Plug

by: badanov

NewRealBlog.Com is gone.

Without an announcement or warning, its archives have been folded into his flagship FrontPageMag.Com website.

No reasons and no wherefores. Just gone.

Clicking on the link to NRB redirects you to FrontPageMag.Com.

I briefly flirted with NewRealBlog.Com back in early winter 2009 before I started running's Mexico desk. (and having a great time at it, BTW)

I had a lot of criticism for its editor, David Swindle for his writers management practice,and for his absurd view that pro-gay marriage is a conservative ideal. But the idea of criticizing/attacking liberal cable political news media using conservative polemics was a solid one, in my view.

I think two things may have cost the blog its life; The first was it started drifting off mission starting spring 2010, just after my involvement with them ended. The Alex Knepper Affair was just a symptom of a larger disease.

But the second and more important thing may be David Horowitz may have had a sugar tit that dried up on him. I know he brought a donor onto NRB's staff just after I ended my involvement, so he was using donors to pay for its writers. The donor that was brought on board may or may not have been the sugar tit, or may have been just one of several.

I wrote about schadenfreude with reference to NRB because of the trouble they were having admitting they screwed up hiring Knepper and would not admit it, and in fact wrote some unsavory things about Knepper instead of leaning into the strike zone and taking one for the team.

It gives me no great pleasure that it is gone.


This story is 4738 days old.

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