Free Fire Zone: Winning the War on Terrorism One First Down at a Time

On Same Sex Marriage

by: badanov

The push for same sex marriage isn't about marriage or even gay marriage.

It is about destroying religion in the United States.

Thanks to the recent Supreme Court ruling, the left is about to mount a legal assault on religious freedom the likes of which have never been seen before in the United States, and gays have, wittingly or not, cheered the preparations on.

So, at the end of it all, when churches are destroyed as religious institutions, or have been driven underground, there will be no churches, no sanctuary and most importantly, no gay marriage, because people including gays will have even fewer rights than before.

That is because, if you follow the history and trajectory of leftist governments you will see that as a practical matter, leftist governments attack homosexuality to encourage spawning, something that is anathema to homosexuality.

I truly hope gays can live with the consequences.


This story is 3976 days old.

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