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Rebels recover 373 bodies from Donetsk airport

by: badanov

Since the end of fighting at the Donetsk airport, Donetsk rebel officials say they have recovered 373 Ukrainians who were left in the new terminal, according to Russian language sources.

A report which appeared in news website reported that Donetsk ministry of defense spokesman Lt. Colonel Eduard Basurin said that since February 20th rebels have recovered 373 bodies of fallen Ukrainian soldiers left in the rubble of the Donetsk airport.

The Donetsk airport until late last month was a constant issue between rebels and Ukrainian soldiers, who held on to the airport until rebels destroyed a control tower Ukrainians were using to spot artillery into Donetsk.

Once that happened, Ukrainian soldiers holding the airport were allowed safe passage to their own lines. A subsequent Ukrainian counterattack attempted to restore the situation at the airport, but ultimately failed.

A subsequent rebel counterattack also failed with reported heavy rebel losses, although rebels managed to gain a foothold in two key nearby towns, Avdeivka and Peski, both of which are still being contested.


This story is 3360 days old.

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