Free Fire Zone: If at first you don't succeed, punt.

The Left and Revolution -- UPDATED II

by: badanov

A.P.Lawrence has a post up about revolution. His spam filter prevents my whole response, so there is my response in its entirety:

There is so much hubris by the left about revolution that leftists fail to see that that they're the first ones against the wall.

The rhetoric and the romance of taking down the "man" does not mask the fact that nearly every leftist or communist or socialist revolution has been at its base an ethnic revolt where the majority ethnic group has conducted revolution.

Think about it: The Han Chinese were the main driving ethnic force which swept the nationalists from power. Mugabe's civil war was at its base a war against minority whites. As was South Africa, Nicaragua, Cuba and Russia.

You get the point. It will be the same with every revolution.

What you probably don't get and what this radio fella doesn't get is that talk of revolution will blow back on the left the hardest because of simple demographics. You don't have the numbers to enable a revolution and you never will, and if you try, you will get a revolution, just not with the outcome you would prefer.

And riling up ethnic majorities will just harm the minorities over time. Witness the condition of the black community. All because a bunch of white leftists have this idea about a revolution.

Careful for what you wish for, in other words.

The above is a major reason why I am conservative and a republican, because only conservatism can guarantee everyone's rights, even loud mouth leftists who advocate something they don't really want.


My problem with liberals is complex.

If you read what I said, a bloody revolution is liable to come from the right, and it will probably a socialist revolution one which transforms the political landscape permanently and not for the good.

And as far as your contention that the right has its share of problems with personal rights, that's rich coming from a liberal whose side is preparing to impose a number of rights-removing legislation all on the later of social policy.

No one is pure as the driven snow, so the only thing we have is our views and our ideals. The left cannot resolve the economic problems we have nor can the right, but the right can ease the suffering for everyone. The only thing the left can do is impose taxes and regulations, IOW tyranny in the purest and traditional sense of the word.

The pinnacles the US has reached with regard to quality of life were built by capital not by government spending so it is very hard in my mind to convince anyone that more government spending can improve the lives of anyone when it is government that constricts rights and freedom. Taxes and regulations that the left loves to impose have a funny way of affecting everyone, not just the rich.

It is kinda cute of you to point out that profits, which drive further investment, you know, jobs, is so evil it must be taxed. And only someone who loves government so much can state, without breaking down in hysterical laughter, that profits are evil, because only government is the arbiter of profits, the only societal institution that has a problem with profits, and yet benefits from it.

The fella with a job, has no problem with it. The store owner has no problem with it. And if a customer has a problem with it, they just goes elsewhere. It's called freedom.

Maybe you should embrace it and stop trying to tax it and regulate it out of existence.


Leftist opinions are reasonable because, frankly, rich folks can't gather enough votes to oppose it when the popular sentiment is to make them pay more for government services they don't even use.

The expressed sentiment makes you sound brilliant when in fact you're just another huckster selling a solution you know logically cannot work, and indeed has never worked throughout history.

You want economic justice by raising taxes? Raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich, but you can't do that because it won't work politically. You want more economic justice? Stop perpetrating the fraud that government can enhance any individual or institution outside of government.

Honestly, today's liberals sound like snotty, spoilt sixteen year-olds at their Super Sweet Sixteen birthday party.

You got Congress and you got the presidency who will now proceed to pack the supreme court with Hispanic and Black supremacists, the whole time trying to convince the Great Unwashed, those judges don't really mean what they say.

You Won, to quote a famous Marxist. Stop acting like you're losing. Start governing.


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