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Remark Req: 1624
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Right on time, Politico website in conjunction with a leaked Department of Homeland Security memo tying the skinny leftist that shot all those unarmed people in Arizona to the American Rennaisance website, also cannot forbear but to mention the placement of an advertisement for a modified Gadsden flag from a Patriotic Flag company out of Ohio.

I looked at the AmRen site myself and I saw no, as in zero advertisements for Tea Parties, just the ad for the flag.

From the article:

The feds are reportedly probing whether shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner has ties to an anti-Semitic, anti-government hate group that has ads for Tea Party organizations on its website.

And later:

The group's website features what appear to be paid advertisements for tea party versions of the "don't tread on me" flag.

What abusive, inaccurate and manipulative reportage from a purported political news website!

Maggie, dearie, if you're trying to make a name for yourself, lying ain't gonna look too good on your resume. Might get you a job with the Obamanation, though, so there's that.

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