5245Free Fire Zone: When life hands you a lemon, make a vodka and tonic.

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We keep seeing this ad for US Army Ranger T-shirts whenever we surf at Rantburg. Positive military and patriotic sentiments on t-shirts are their product, and these folks, apparently all military, have a philosophy as well.

The things that stood out for us were number three and number five.

We don't know if this is common practice and we certainly don't know just how far towards the fighting said officers range. We figure it's a lot closer than we ever got.

We are pretty certain that number five would be approved if your philosophy were "Pattonian," "Pullerian," "LeMayan", or "Nimitzian."

Many people who say they are smart ( we are rumoured to be smart, but we often have our doubts ) will disagree with this but you really can have a military philosophy, be it tactical or strategic.

Fits has a tactical philosophy bourne of years of experience holding the line and a sharp eye for media foisted truth twisting. ( AKA bullshit )

We have a military philosophy, and it is Soviet in nature ( since we only play wargames as the Soviets/Russians ) but it can only be applied and tested in military wargaming. They are not exactly relevant to the critical issues of the day, except that some of the basic princicples which govern that philosophy are timeless and immutable, and are used in real military operations.

Principles such as concentration of greatest effort, rewarding effort with more effort, superior firepower, converged artillery sheaths and, our favorite, perseverence in the face of absolute adversity are all but a tiny few of the principles which can govern a military philosophy.

These days, however, with the American Fifth Column in charge, military philosophies are rapidly falling out of favor even as our American military people who have been trained in those principles and have used them effectively in the service of our great American republic.

Our American left wants to lift the strategic block that is Iraq that has been such a tremendous scare to the cause of nearly all today's terrorism, Iran. The establishment of a secure representative republic would effectively kill Teheran's ambitions before they ever launch their first Nukular™ missile at Israel. ( which they will if we do not seriously degrade their Nukular™ war making means )

What is the governing military or strategic principle behind the American Fifth Columns wanton desire to lift the strategic block against Iran?

Try: There is nothing about it that is military. It is all about agenda. It is about what a political element which so cravenly saw their chance to kill more Americans by voting for war against Iraq, and then immediately and falsely claimng they were lied to and then deciding that how the current administration was running a war was reason enough to unilaterally end it without a firm resolution to the war.

Call it cynical, or you can call it lying, but please call it what it is: All Agenda, All the Time. It is a philosophy dangerous to all Americans to lift a strategic block against a foreign hostile power because your Personal Political Agenda states that what you believe, consequendes be damned, is best for everyone; the socialist credo.

Let's face it folks. With a third of the world's population gunning for us with bomb belts and planted "news" stories, the other third working hard to make sure they at least have some ships for the US Navy to sink, applying socialist thinking to a military problem is like cutting military spending to make the nation stronger. At some point some element of this great lie against the Iraq War will shine through; that the vacuousness of the governing principles in the agenda which could well wind up with more dead Ameicans ( long a leftist goal ) will eventually show the left now in charge for what it is.


Terrible rant, political rant to be sure, and we don't get a dime out of it should anyone buy any of their Ranger Up product. If you don't it's okay. Just please don't buy the lie that lifting a strategic block will have military benefits to us in the long run.

It won't. It will just cause more deaths. More American deaths.

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