5219Free Fire Zone: When life hands you a lemon, make a vodka and tonic.

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Remark Req: 894
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I had a comment deleted by an administrator at newsrealblog.com for pointing out that the women at the FLDS event didn't have much going for them in looks or many other departments, and that the old guys took advantage of that.

I don't do it very often, but I have to chuck newsrealblog.com overboard. It sucks I submitted two articles they published, but I guess that is my problem now.

I am not a stickler of my words always surviving comment moderation, but I do not think they should have been deleted because it upset someone.

I haven't forgotten many forums because as a matter of habit I don't get moderated but when I do and I do not think it is warranted, I have never returned to those forums.

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