5240Free Fire Zone: God said it; I believe it; Now let's go to instant replay.

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Remark Req: 927
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Rantburg is being sued by the lawsuit mill Righthaven.

I have been associated with Rantburg.com as techincal help since about 2005, and before that as a regular, since 2002.

This particular bit of insanity can strike any one of us, so beware.

If you want to help Fred defend himself, please go to Bottom Feeder to donate money.


On the right sidebar you will see a link to a zip file called Steven Media Block List. You can download this file which contains all the instructions necessary to block you from loading any Stevens Media content on your browser. This is obviously an effort to form some sort of response to the abject hostility that the Righthaven lawsuit mills represents.

Instructions courtesy Clayton Cramer who is also being sued.

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