General McCaffrey: Juarez Car Bomb Was Narcoterrorism subject logo: MEXICO
Posted by: badanov

Rinse the article through Google Translate or Babelfish to get a taste.

The gist of the article is that the government of Mexican president Felipe Calderon refuses to call narcoterrorist attack so.

Sometimes, I guess, it takes an American general to call it like it is.

"There is no doubt that what happened in Ciudad Juärez was an act of narco-terrorism to a very high level," he says in an interview with Proceso Barry McCaffrey, retired U.S. general.

"The incident reflected the violence in Mexico has reached another level and clearly intended to terrorize the Mexican state with the specific objective to disable it," emphasizes McCaffrey, who was head of Southern Command of the U.S. Armed Forces 1994 1996, request that during this time trained in narco-terrorism operations against the Army and National Police of Colombia.