Update on the O'Keefe Story subject logo: CULTURE
Posted by: badanov

More than seven days it was discovered that James O'Keefe was planning some kind of ppank on a female CNN reporter, O'Keefe finally speaks out about what really happened.

And what really happened is about what we were told happened: The guy plans some sort of sexual prank on a female golden throat so he can discredit her, but before his plan can be sprung into action, the reporter is tipped off.

Hijinks ensue.

I didn't read anything in O'Keefe's explanation that would make me say, "Well, that's different."

What happened was that he planned a prank which would have backfired badly had he implemented it and would have ultimately reflected bad on him as well as his supporters.

As I have said before, O'Keefe is damn lucky the reporter didn't have a steriod case as an escort, or she wasn't packing some sort of equalizer and used it.

And now as a result, he will have hell trying to get a female reporter, even one sympathetic to conservatives to meet him anywhere but their studios.

I doubt that was his intention, but that is the result.

Way to go,dumbass.

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