"But it’s sad, and in a way, it’s pathetic..." subject logo: CULTURE
Posted by: badanov

We would not accept an apology. The ideological laziness and the intellectual egotism that brought Jane Fonda to the alter of Marx, Mao and Stalin persists to this day, and caused her to make common cause with an armed and hostile enemy of the United States in time of war and during combat operations, and which brought her to broadcast enemy propoganda.

We would, however, accept a confession that Hanoi Jane committed an act of treason in a time of war and that she understands that in confessing her crime she is liable to be punished for her crimes any moment any American government decides try and punish her for treason.

We know a lot of Viet Nam vets would say let it go, but we won't until Fonda is tried for treason.

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