5245Free Fire Zone: When life hands you a lemon, make a vodka and tonic.

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A Mexican Army rifle unit arrived in Parral in southern Chihuahua state Thursday totaling 100 effectives, according to Mexican news reports.

According to a news report posted on the website of El Diario de Juarez, the unit arrived in 21 vehicles at the base of the 76 Infantry Battalion, part of the 42nd Military Zone.

The reinforcement comes on the heels of a violent week in Parral and nearby municipalities which saw 12 deaths in one week, and other violent incidents.

Meanwhile in the capital Chihuahua city, Chihuahua state governor Cesar Duarte lamented the spike in violence saying that those who commit violent acts will go to prison. Gov. Duarte came into office in late 2010 promising to crack down on the crime of kidnapping by having that state impose life sentences.

However, since the start of the Pena administration less than 15 months ago kidnapping has spiked, so much so that the Mexican federal Secretaria de Gobernacion or interior ministry has launched a new program intended to stem the crime.

Kidnapping is an especially critical issue in remote regions of southern Chihuahua. Kidnappings are routinely used by local criminal gangs to impress shooters into their ranks.

An initiative early last year by the new Mexican federal government was to provide additional funds to municipalities for crime prevention among Mexican youths, but very little has been mentioned of the program since it was announced.

Mexican Army deployments have changed since the start of the new federal government last year. Whereas in past years, army units were routinely rotated in and out of areas, incidents in Michoacan appears to be straining military resources.

A Milenio news report Thursday hinted that a number of military units based in Tamaulipas have been retasked to Michoacan, leaving paramilitary units such as the Policia Federal to take up the slack.

Starting with a promise of moving Mexico's military forces from the streets "back to barracks" early last year, no question a change has occurred whereby that goal has been rendered inoperative as security conditions have worsened nationwide.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for Ranturg.com and BorderlandBeat.com. He can be reached at grurkka@gmail.com.

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