This Week in Guns, April 26th, 2014 subject logo: RKBA
Posted by: badanov

By Chris Covert

Kinda Bundyed out at the moment, so only two news items from Nevada.

The "contract cowboys" at the Bundys were in fact military contractors, possibly foreign, say militiamen at the original confrontation. If true, that means that the federal government is using mercenaries to get around Posse Comitatus restrictions in using military in police actions. Someone last week said that the president is allowed to use military to put down insurrections, but I think implicit in that is that the president has to at least say something along the lines of, "Hey! I'm going to deploy our soldiers to put down the insurrection in Nevada!"

Also the same men, said to be operators working for the federal government, had actually taken their assault rifles and leveled them, sighting rifles at civilian protestors, demanding they leave. The situation came close to a massacre at the government's hands.

David Codrea said this week that SCOTUS is likely to be no help in further removing constrictions on firearms. Some surprise, as I came to that conclusion months ago, while I imagine most militiamen have always believed that.

Last week's assertion that gun seizures have begun was not completely true. A yahoo in New York used his .22 AR to plink varmints, and the gun was seized by police.

A gun blogger said last week that the FBI was checking on individuals who were talking disparagingly about Big Government in gun shops. The original story came from Alex Jones, so every reason exists to doubt the story.

National news outlets have their panties in a wad after Georgia enacted a law permiting concealed carry in a variety of venues. On the other hand, Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed two gun bills. Dunno what that is about, but I s'pect none of the national media outlets have noted or applauded her move. Haters gotta hate.

Looking at the graphic, at least 50 federal agencies manitain some sort of strike team to enforce laws. Follow the links.


Rantburg's summary for arms and ammunition:

Prices for pistol and ammunition were mixed to lower.

Prices for used pistols and rifles were mixed.

Pistol Ammo

.45 Caliber, 230 grain, From Last Week: -.02 Each
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Goose Island Sales, Tulammo, steel cased, .31 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 1,000 rounds: Quality Made Cartridges, reloaded, .31 per round (-.02 each after unchanged six of previous nine weeks)

.40 Caliber Smith & Wesson, 180 grain, From Last Week: -.01 each

Cheapest, 50 rounds: I.Q. Metals, HSM, reloaded, .28 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: LAX Ammunition, Store Brand, reloaded, .27 per round (Unchanged: four weeks)

9mm Parabellum, 115 grain From Last Week: +.01 each
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Selway Armory, BVAC, RN, .24 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: Freedom Munitions, Store brand, reloaded, RN, .23 per round (From Last Week: +.01 each)

.357 Magnum, 158 grain, From Last Week: -.03 Each
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Bangit Ammo, Parabellum Research, Reloaded, .40 per round
Cheapest Bulk: 250 Rounds: LAX Ammunition, Reloaded, .38 per round (-.08 Each from last week (!) (-.21 Each over previous two weeks (!)))

Rifle Ammunition

.223 Caliber/5.56mm 55 grain, From Last Week: +.02 Each

Cheapest, 20 rounds: Munire USA, Wolf Polyformance, steel cased, .27 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 1,000 rounds: Selway Armory, Wolf Polyformance, steel cased, .27 per round (from Last Week: Unchanged (Two weeks) )

.308 NATO 145 grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (After falling .15 each two weeks ago)
Cheapest, 20 rounds: Selway Armory, Wolf Military Classic, steel cased, .47 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: SG Ammo, Wolf Military Classic, steel cased, .45 per round (From last week: -.02 Each (-.09 Each over two weeks))

7.62x39 AK 123 Grain, From Last Week: -.03 Each
Cheapest, 20 rounds: Natchez Shooters Supplies, Wolf, steel case, .22 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 1,000 rounds: Lucky Gunner, Wolf, steel case, .21 per round (Unchanged from Last Week (Two Weeks) )

.22 LR 40 Grain, From Last Week: +.06 Each (!)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Raleigh Tactical Supplies, Norma, .13 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 5,000 rounds: Ammo Fast, Eley Sport, .12 per round (-.01 Each From Last Week)

Guns for Private Sale

.223/5.56mm (AR Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $675 Last Week Avg: $690 (-)
California (181): Mixed Build: $600
Texas (305): DPMS: $675
Pennsylvania (146): Mixed Build: $650
Virgina (172): Mixed Build: $850
Florida (388): Smith & Wesson: $600

.308 NATO (AR-10 Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $1,310 Last Week Avg: $1,324 (-)
California (53): DPMS: $1,500
Texas (59): Rock River Armory LAR-8: $1,250
Pennsylvania (27): DPMS LR308: $1,200
Virginia (41): Armalite AR-10: $1,200 (Same Gun)
Florida (81): Armalite AR-10: $1,400

7.62x39mm (AK Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $595 Last Week Avg: $570 (+)
California (45): Saiga: $650
Texas (52): Zastava: $650 (Same Gun)
Pennsylvania (63): Zastava: $500 (Same Gun)
Virginia (75): Saiga: $550
Florida (116): CAI Vz58: $625

7.62x54mm (Dragunov Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: 1,250 Last Week Avg: Unchanged ()
California (7): Romak PSL: $1,300 (Same Gun)
Texas (6): Romak PSL: $1,200 (Same Gun)
Pennsylvania: None Available
Virginia: None Available
Florida: None Available


.45 caliber ACP (M1911 Pattern Semiautomatic Pistol) Average Price: $480 Last Week Avg: $524 (-)
California (127): Rock Island Armory: $475
Texas (198): Commodore Shooters Arms: $475
Pennsylvania (151): Mixed Build: $450
Virginia (152): American Tactical Imports: $500
Florida (367): Norinco: $500

9mm Beretta 92FS or other Semiautomatic Average Price: $431 Last Week Avg: $455 (-)
California (129): Smith & Wesson M&P9: $425
Texas (290): Glock 22: $450
Pennsylvania (182): Glock 19: $400 (Same Gun)
Virginia (217): Sig Sauer P250C: $400
Florida (442): Glock 17: $480

.40 caliber S&W (Glock and other semiautomatic) Average Price: $450 Last Week Avg: $442 (+)
California (173): Glock 22: $450
Texas (145): Glock 23: $475
Pennsylvania (121): Glock 27: $400
Virginia (95): Glock 27: $450 (Possibly Same Gun)
Florida (173): Glock 23: $475

Used Gun of the Week: (Texas)

Springfield M1A SOCOM II Chambered in 7.62 NATO

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and He can be reached at

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