This Week in Guns, March 15th, 2014 subject logo: RKBA
Posted by: badanov

By Chris Covert

A Connecticut police officer commented on a Facebook page a few days ago, saying he would "give my left nut to bang down your door and come for your gun...", and now the Branford, Connecticut Police department is trying to tamp down on the reaction by talking with a known Connecticut pro RKBA man.

As I have said before, patriot and pro-gun blogs have been outraged, expressing in stark and bellicose terms about Connecticut's experiment in fascist police work, and now one of their henchmen, identified as Joseph Peterson, has given the game away.

Now the police chief of Branford, Kevin Halloran, is "investigating" the officer and is willing to make an apology.

I don't live in Connecticut, but it seems to me apologies are a little late at this point. Connecticut police have gone over the side with Connecticut politicians with this unconstitutional power grab, and now they are dealing with threats that would make any thug with a badge think twice about banging "down your door and come for your gun..."

Molon Labe is not just a fine sentiment any more, and as was pointed out earlier, the Wacos and Ruby Ridges of yesteryear won't be met with silence in the night. There will be real consequences.

Meanwhile at the federal level, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided a shop in California which sells 80 percent receivers on spurious suspicions that the company, Armes Armor, was illegally selling firearms. The JBTs demanded a customer list and other business records. The company, to their everlasting credit refused to comply, gaining a temporary restraining order pending a hearing next week.

As the people at Western Rifle Shooters remind us constantly, the Bad People are coming first for your guns, and then your life.


Rantburg's summary for arms and ammunition:

Prices for pistol and rifle ammunition were mostly higher. Prices for rimfire ammunition have absolutely jumped higher.

Prices for used pistols and used rifles were mixed.

Pistol Ammo

.45 Caliber, 230 grain, From Last Week: -.01 each (After unchanged previous two weeks)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Goose Island Sales, Tulammo, steel cased, .33 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: LV Ammo, RN, reloaded, .34 per round (Unchanged three of last four weeks)

.40 Caliber Smith & Wesson, 180 grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (Unchanged 5 of 9 previous weeks)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Selway Armory, BVAC, reloaded, .28 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 250 rounds: Freedom Munitions, Store Brand, reloaded, .27 per round (Unchanged from last week)

9mm Parabellum, 115 grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (+.07 over previous four weeks)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Freedom Munitions, Store Brand, RN, .25 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: SG Ammo, Brown Bear, reloaded, .22 per round (-.02 each after unchanged previous 2 weeks)

.357 Magnum, 158 grain, From Last Week: +.04 Each (!)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Bud's Gun Shop, Geco, HP, .49 per round
Cheapest Bulk: 250 Rounds: LAX Ammo, Store Brand, .39 per round (Unchanged from previous week)

Rifle Ammunition

.223 Caliber/5.56mm 55 grain, From Last Week: +.04 Each (!)
Cheapest, 20 rounds: LG Outdoors, Wolf Ammo, steel cased, .29 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: SG Ammo, Wolf, steel cased, .30 per round (+.01 from the previous week )

.308 NATO 145 grain, From Last Week: -.03 Each (-.10 over previous six weeks (!))
Cheapest, 20 rounds: Selway Armory, MFS, steel cased, .55 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: The Sportsman Guide, MFS, steel cased, .56 per round (Unchanged (three weeks))

7.62x39 AK 123 Grain, From Last Week: +.01 Each
Cheapest, 20 rounds: Ammunition to go, Wolf, steel core and case, .26 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 1,000 rounds: SG Ammo, Wolf, steel core and case, .23 per round (-.01 Each (After +.03 Each over two weeks))

.22 LR 40 Grain, From Last Week: -.06 Each (!)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Munire USA, Blazer, .13 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: Outdoor Limited, Federal, .17 per round (-.01 from previous week )

Guns for Private Sale

.223/5.56mm (AR Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $734 Last Week Avg: $810 (-)
California: Palmetto State Armory: $800
Texas: Del-ton: $700
New York: Del-ton: $795
Virgina: American Tactical Imports: $675
Florida: Ruger AR: $699

.308 NATO (AR-10 Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $1,125 Last Week Avg: $1,344 (-)
California: DPMS LR308: $1,200 (Same Gun)
Texas: DPMS LR308: $1,200
New York: None Available
Virginia: FN Defender 2000 SPM16: $1,100 (Same Gun)
Florida: Ruger SR-762/308: $1,000

7.62x39mm (AK Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $794 Last Week Avg: $678 (+)
California: M&M: $875
Texas: Wil-Mor: $800
New York: Unknown brand: $1,000
Virginia: Zastava (Synthetic Stock): $600
Florida: IO : $695

7.62x54mm (Dragunov Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $1,267 Last Week Avg: $1,423 (-)
California: Romak PSL: $1,200
Texas: Romak PSL: $1,200 (Same Gun)
New York: None
Virginia: None
Florida: Romak PSL: $1,400 (Same Gun)


.45 caliber ACP (M1911 Pattern Semiautomatic Pistol) Average Price: $586 Last Week Avg: $465 (+)
California: Rock Island Armory Match: $675
Texas: Rock Island Armory: $450
New York: Unknown: $550 (Same Gun)
Virginia: Tisas: $430
Florida: Smith & Wesson 1911: $825

9mm Beretta 92FS or other Semiautomatic Average Price: $475 Last Week Avg: $500 (-)
California: Ruger P89: $400
Texas: Glock 17: $500
New York: Glock 19: $450 (Same Gun)
Virginia: Glock 26: $500 (Prolly Same Gun)
Florida: Beretta 92FS: $525

.40 caliber S&W (Glock and other semiautomatic) Average Price: $435 Last Week Avg: $565 (-)
California: Smith & Wesson M&P 40: $400
Texas: Glock 22: $450 (Prolly same gun)
New York: Glock 23: $475
Virginia: Glock 27: $450
Florida: Beretta Cougar: $400

Used Gun of the Week: (From Texas)

Springfield M1A SOCOM II Chambered in 308/7.62 NATO

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and He can be reached at

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