Chernarus Naval Special Operations Teams
Posted by: badanov
Four man team: 1 Commander, two riflemen, one medic
Used for: Pure LRRPs, assassination, kidnapping
Equipt: 4 AK-74/AK-12s w/suppressors, lasers and thermal sights. One rifleman can be assigned as a designated sniper
Six man team: One commander two riflemen, one medic, one automatic rifleman, one sniper
Used for: LRRPs, assassinations, snatch operations
Equipt: 4 AK-74/AK-12s w/suppressors, lasers and thermal sights, one RPK-74, one VSS Vintorez or SVD rifle
Eight man team: One commander two riflemen, one medic, one automatic rifleman, one sniper, two AT specialists
Used for: Assaults and snatch operations
Equipt: 6 AK-74/AK-12s w/suppressors, lasers and thermal sights, one RPK-74, one VSS Vintorez or SVD rifle, two RPG-7s
Optional equipment: AT-4 Bassoon, SPG-9 recoilless rifle, .408 Caliber Cheytac M-200 Intervention rifle w/ night sights and suppressor
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