5240Free Fire Zone: God said it; I believe it; Now let's go to instant replay.

1 -- 2021-11-14 -- Execution --- Comments:
2 -- 2021-09-05 -- Why did the peasants starve in 1932? --- Comments:
3 -- 2021-08-31 -- FSB declassified the names of Ukrainian punishers who committed atrocities during WWII --- Comments:
4 -- 2021-08-29 -- Leva Zadov: executioner, security officer and anarchist --- Comments:
5 -- 2021-08-26 -- Jamaat Aminovka or Sharia Dacha? --- Comments:
6 -- 2021-08-22 -- White Acacia and Japanese Unit 731 --- Comments:
7 -- 2021-08-20 -- Ambush of an Aidar troop column, September, 2014 --- Comments:
8 -- 2021-08-08 -- A compendium of videos on the Donbass war, 2014-2015 --- Comments:
9 -- 2021-05-27 -- Anther interview of Roman Protasevich in 2015 --- Comments:
10 -- 2021-05-27 -- Boris Rozhin on Sofia Sapega --- Comments:
11 -- 2021-05-26 -- More on Protasevich --- Comments:
12 -- 2020-07-21 -- Last moments of an Estonian contractor in Donbass --- Comments:
13 -- 2016-04-05 -- 3 Ukrainian wounded, one rebel soldier dies in shelling --- Comments:
14 -- 2016-04-03 -- Ukrainians, rebels continue to exchange artillery fire --- Comments:
15 -- 2016-04-01 -- Situation in the front line in Donetsk continues to deteriorate --- Comments:
16 -- 2016-03-29 -- Lt. Gen. Sergei Popko appointed commander of Ukraine --- Comments:
17 -- 2016-03-28 -- "Situation worsened": Rebels, Ukrainians continue to make more war --- Comments:
18 -- 2016-03-25 -- Artillery battles in Yasinovataya continue --- Comments:
19 -- 2016-03-23 -- Artillery, infantry battles continue at Yasinovataya --- Comments:
20 -- 2016-03-22 -- Another Cossack formation commander detained in Lugansk --- Comments:
21 -- 2016-03-22 -- Separatists, Ukrainians continue to exchange gunfire --- Comments:
22 -- 2016-03-21 -- Losses continue to mount in Donetsk fighting --- Comments:
23 -- 2016-03-19 -- 3 Ukrainian soldiers die in drone outfitting accident --- Comments:
24 -- 2016-03-18 -- Water filtration plant resumes operations --- Comments:
25 -- 2016-03-16 -- Fighting continues around Donetsk, Gorlovka --- Comments:
26 -- 2016-03-15 -- Rebels reject local ceasefire proposal in Yasinovataya --- Comments:
27 -- 2016-03-14 -- Fighting in Yasinovataya threatens water supply for 400,000 --- Comments:
28 -- 2016-03-12 -- Ukrainians intensify attacks near Yasinovataya --- Comments:
29 -- 2016-03-11 -- Fighting continues in Yasinovataya as Ukrainian attacks intensify --- Comments:
30 -- 2016-03-09 -- 2 Rooshun soldiers nearly lynched in Gorlovka --- Comments:
31 -- 2016-03-09 -- Ukrainian "Creeping Offensive" continue --- Comments:
32 -- 2016-03-08 -- Ukrainian spooks ID Rooshun commanders in Donetsk --- Comments:
33 -- 2016-03-08 -- Rebels claim Ukrainian forces took area near Gorlovka --- Comments:
34 -- 2016-03-05 -- Rebels, Ukrainians claim more ceasefire violations --- Comments:
35 -- 2016-03-04 -- Donetsk rebels say ceasefire violations have doubled --- Comments:
36 -- 2016-03-02 -- Rebel says Ukrainians cleansing pro rebel families in Artemovsk --- Comments:
37 -- 2016-03-01 -- Donetsk rebels planning to expand naval forces --- Comments:
38 -- 2016-02-21 -- Artillery, small arms fire continues in Donetsk --- Comments:
39 -- 2016-02-17 -- Artillery attacks continue in Donetsk, Lugansk --- Comments:
40 -- 2016-02-16 -- Donetsk separatists say as many as 30 died in fratricide incident --- Comments:
41 -- 2016-01-12 -- Transcarpathian brawl nets four wounded --- Comments:
42 -- 2015-12-24 -- Kherson legislative council denounces criminal attacks --- Comments:
43 -- 2015-12-24 -- Ukrainians say Russian backed rebels took several south Donetsk villages --- Comments:
44 -- 2015-11-02 -- Rebels, Ukrainians exchange fire --- Comments:
45 -- 2015-09-13 -- Southeastern Ukraine desk on hiatus --- Comments:
46 -- 2015-09-01 -- Muzhenko: Shirokino did not matter --- Comments:
47 -- 2015-08-28 -- Fighting intensifies in near Mariupol: 8 die --- Comments:
48 -- 2015-08-26 -- Fighting lull ends in Ukraine, 3 die --- Comments:
49 -- 2015-08-24 -- Group involved in Mukachevo shootout remains holed up --- Comments:
50 -- 2015-08-24 -- Ukrainians detain two artillery spotters near Mariupol --- Comments:
51 -- 2015-08-21 -- Ukraine planning a massive offensive --- Comments:
52 -- 2015-08-20 -- Artillery attacks continue in Donetsk --- Comments:
53 -- 2015-08-19 -- OSCE sez it was rebel artillery that hit Sartana --- Comments:
54 -- 2015-08-18 -- Ukrainian pol sez evidence in Mukachevo case was falsified --- Comments:
55 -- 2015-08-18 -- 8 civilians die in Donetsk in overnight shelling --- Comments:
56 -- 2015-08-17 -- Rebels, Ukrainians exchange more artillery fire --- Comments:
57 -- 2015-08-16 -- Facebook Post: Rebels claim Ukrainian preparations for attack --- Comments:
58 -- 2015-08-16 -- Facebook Post: The Issue of Operational Depth in Ukraine --- Comments:
59 -- 2015-08-15 -- Rebels ambush Ukrainian armor column near Mariupol --- Comments:
60 -- 2015-08-14 -- Infantry skirmishes on the rise in Donetsk --- Comments:
61 -- 2015-08-12 -- Russian Federation will not issue passports in Donbas --- Comments:
62 -- 2015-08-12 -- Artillery exchanges continue in Donetsk --- Comments:
63 -- 2015-08-10 -- Fighting intensifies in western Donetsk --- Comments:
64 -- 2015-08-10 -- Zakharchenko: we are ready for anything that might happen --- Comments:
65 -- 2015-08-07 -- 5 Ukrainian soldiers die in Donetsk --- Comments:
66 -- 2015-08-05 -- Buffer zone creation to be discussed in Minsk ceasefire talks --- Comments:
67 -- 2015-08-04 -- Talks over further demilitarization in Ukraine fail --- Comments:
68 -- 2015-08-04 -- MTLB commander involved in March accident receives medal --- Comments:
69 -- 2015-07-30 -- Ukrainian commanders reject joint patrols of Shirokin --- Comments:
70 -- 2015-07-29 -- 2 Ukrainian coppers die in shootout with smugglers --- Comments:
71 -- 2015-07-29 -- 2 die in Gorlovka overnight bombardment --- Comments:
72 -- 2015-07-28 -- Rebels say Ukrainian artillery hammers Gorlovka --- Comments:
73 -- 2015-07-24 -- Ukrainian coppers seize guns, detain 10 --- Comments:
74 -- 2015-07-24 -- Ukrainian pol sez Mukachevo gunfight was staged --- Comments:
75 -- 2015-07-22 -- Ukrainian MoD says weapons withdrawal claim "cynical fraud" --- Comments:
76 -- 2015-07-22 -- Right Sector militants refuse to surrender --- Comments:
77 -- 2015-07-21 -- Rebels begin withdrawing weapons from front line --- Comments:
78 -- 2015-07-17 -- Artillery fire intensifies in Donetsk --- Comments:
79 -- 2015-07-15 -- Ukrainian security forces detain four in Mukachevo shooting --- Comments:
80 -- 2015-07-12 -- Shootout between Ukrainian militants and police leave 4 dead --- Comments:
81 -- 2015-07-07 -- New agreement to further restrict weapons in Ukraine --- Comments:
82 -- 2015-07-03 -- Rebel forces withdraw from Shirokino --- Comments:
83 -- 2015-07-01 -- Gubarev blasts Ukrainian rebel leadership --- Comments:
84 -- 2015-06-30 -- Rebels, Ukrainians continue to exchange fire --- Comments:
85 -- 2015-06-26 -- Rebels want Ukraine to sign new agreement --- Comments:
86 -- 2015-06-23 -- Rogue Ukrainian volunteer unit disbands --- Comments:
87 -- 2015-06-20 -- Ukrainian MVD troops ready to storm rogue battalion's base --- Comments:
88 -- 2015-06-19 -- Rogue Ukrainian volunteer unit refuses order to disband --- Comments:
89 -- 2015-06-17 -- Ukrainian offensive could begin Friday --- Comments:
90 -- 2015-06-15 -- Southeastern Ukraine on the "verge of a great new war" --- Comments:
91 -- 2015-06-12 -- Fighting intensifies in Donetsk --- Comments:
92 -- 2015-06-10 -- Fighting continues in key regions of Ukraine --- Comments:
93 -- 2015-06-06 -- Fighting continues in western Donetsk suburbs --- Comments:
94 -- 2015-06-04 -- Ukrainians say they repelled attack on Marinka --- Comments:
95 -- 2015-05-29 -- Donetsk chief negotiator could be investigated --- Comments:
96 -- 2015-05-25 -- Rebel say Ukrainians massing forces for attack --- Comments:
97 -- 2015-05-24 -- Top rebel commander dies in ambush in Lugansk --- Comments:
98 -- 2015-05-22 -- Rebels say Ukrainians prepare new offensive --- Comments:
99 -- 2015-05-10 -- Donbass rebels civil war within a civil war continues --- Comments:
100 -- 2015-05-06 -- Rebels, Ukrainians continue to exchange fire --- Comments:
101 -- 2015-05-01 -- Ukrainians set special forces against volunteer units --- Comments:
102 -- 2015-04-29 -- Ukrainian volunteer units refuse to join army --- Comments:
103 -- 2015-04-21 -- Shellings, firefights continue in Donetsk --- Comments:
104 -- 2015-04-17 -- Zakharchenko: 300 Ukrainian wounded at Peski --- Comments:
105 -- 2015-04-16 -- Another civil war within a civil war may be brewing in Lugansk --- Comments:
106 -- 2015-04-15 -- Fighting continues in Donetsk --- Comments:
107 -- 2015-04-14 -- Ukrainians launch surprise attack on Donetsk --- Comments:
108 -- 2015-04-13 -- Rooshuns to deploy 100 SAM launchers to Kamchatka --- Comments:
109 -- 2015-04-11 -- No Russian preparations for invasion of Ukraine --- Comments:
110 -- 2015-04-10 -- Rebels claim Ukrainians massing troops --- Comments:
111 -- 2015-04-10 -- Court springs Ukrainian soldier involved in deadly accident --- Comments:
112 -- 2015-04-08 -- Rebels claim Ukrainians pound Donetsk city with artillery --- Comments:
113 -- 2015-04-08 -- Ukrainian security service detains Rooshun bomber --- Comments:
114 -- 2015-04-06 -- Rooshuns warn Romanians over NATO basing deal --- Comments:
115 -- 2015-04-03 -- Ukrainians, rebels build up forces for planned offensives --- Comments:
116 -- 2015-04-01 -- Gunfire exchanges intensifies near Donetsk, Mariupol --- Comments:
117 -- 2015-04-01 -- 2 bombing attacks in 2 days damage Ukrainian rolling stock --- Comments:
118 -- 2015-03-29 -- Joe Biden demanded Porosheno sack Kolomoisky --- Comments:
119 -- 2015-03-27 -- 4 die in bus mine explosion in Donetsk --- Comments:
120 -- 2015-03-27 -- Rebel commander gunned down in Donetsk --- Comments:
121 -- 2015-03-26 -- Ukrainian volunteer units ordered to leave Mariupol --- Comments:
122 -- 2015-03-26 -- Ukrainian arrests in Volnovakha shootout top 30 --- Comments:
123 -- 2015-03-25 -- 100+ weapons missing from Dnepr-1 armory --- Comments:
124 -- 2015-03-25 -- Ukrainian soldiers who killed girl face 10 years prison --- Comments:
125 -- 2015-03-25 -- Shootout with smugglers kills one Security Service officer --- Comments:
126 -- 2015-03-20 -- Zakharcheno: We'll adequately react to this --- Comments:
127 -- 2015-03-19 -- New Ukrainian law may provoke more war --- Comments:
128 -- 2015-03-11 -- Donetsk rebel claim Ukrainians violated ceasefire 30 times --- Comments:
129 -- 2015-03-03 -- Rebels recover 373 bodies from Donetsk airport --- Comments:
130 -- 2015-02-25 -- As many as 3,500 Ukrainians died at Debaltsevo --- Comments:
131 -- 2015-02-19 -- Debaltsevo falls to the rebels --- Comments:
132 -- 2015-02-12 -- Ukrainian counterattack drives rebels from Logvinova --- Comments:
133 -- 2015-02-11 -- Rebels reinforce at Logvinova as Ukrainians prepare counterattacks --- Comments:
134 -- 2015-02-10 -- Rebels say they have cut key supply route --- Comments:
135 -- 2015-02-05 -- Rebels tighten ring around Debaltsevo --- Comments:
136 -- 2015-02-01 -- Rebels say they have closed the lid on Debaltsevo salient --- Comments:
137 -- 2015-01-31 -- Ukrainian Army deploys for counterattack as rebels continue attacks --- Comments:
138 -- 2015-01-30 -- Rebels continue to press attacks on Debaltsevo --- Comments:
139 -- 2015-01-26 -- Rebels say Ukrainian Army fired artillery in Mariupol --- Comments:
140 -- 2015-01-22 -- Ukrainian military leaders desparately try to restore futile situation in Donetsk --- Comments:
141 -- 2015-01-21 -- Ukrainians continue counterattacks on Donetsk airport --- Comments:
142 -- 2015-01-20 -- More than 200 die in Donetsk airport battle --- Comments:
143 -- 2015-01-19 -- Donetsk airport falls to Donbas rebels --- Comments:
144 -- 2015-01-16 -- Contact Group meeting on Ukraine scheduled for today --- Comments:
145 -- 2015-01-15 -- Rebels say bus was hit by mine --- Comments:
146 -- 2015-01-01 -- Lugansk top field commander dies --- Comments:
147 -- 2014-12-31 -- No further talks on Ukraine scheduled --- Comments:
148 -- 2014-12-28 -- Ukrainian peace talks have stalled again --- Comments:
149 -- 2014-12-24 -- Meeting with Tripartite Contact Group commences Today --- Comments:
150 -- 2014-12-22 -- Ukrainian peace talks probably scrapped until 2015 --- Comments:
151 -- 2014-12-18 -- Ukrainian peace talk preliminaries to begin Sunday --- Comments:
152 -- 2014-12-17 -- Fighting erupts in Lugansk --- Comments:
153 -- 2014-12-15 -- Peace talks in Ukraine stall again --- Comments:
154 -- 2014-12-09 -- On the eve of peace talks, Russia signals a compromise --- Comments:
155 -- 2014-12-05 -- Chechen solon blames west for terror attack --- Comments:
156 -- 2014-12-04 -- Russian, Ukrainian officials begin task of implementing ceasefire --- Comments:
157 -- 2014-12-03 -- Kiev, Lugansk officials reach ceasefire agreement --- Comments:
158 -- 2014-12-02 -- Poroshenko sold weapons to Donbas rebels --- Comments:
159 -- 2014-12-02 -- EU blacklist includes Donetsk, Lugansk officials --- Comments:
160 -- 2014-12-02 -- Artillery strikes continue in Donetsk and Lugansk --- Comments:
161 -- 2014-11-30 -- Lt. Col. Igor Bezler surfaces --- Comments:
162 -- 2014-11-26 -- Artillery duels, fighting continues in Donetsk and Lugansk --- Comments:
163 -- 2014-11-26 -- Ukraine prepares its request for lethal aid from US --- Comments:
164 -- 2014-11-25 -- Conspiracy theory, Russian style, or maybe a Russian mystery. --- Comments:
165 -- 2014-11-20 -- Ukrainians say Rooshuns are moving military equipment into Donetsk --- Comments:
166 -- 2014-11-19 -- Military activity spikes in northern Lugansk --- Comments:
167 -- 2014-11-19 -- Donetsk arrests 3 cabinet minister --- Comments:
168 -- 2014-11-14 -- NATO says 6,400 Russian troops deployed to Ukrainian border --- Comments:
169 -- 2014-11-13 -- Rooshun court limits disclosure of data on paratroopers --- Comments:
170 -- 2014-11-13 -- NATO head tells Russia to pull troops from Ukraina --- Comments:
171 -- 2014-11-11 -- Shelling continues in Donetsk and northern Lugansk --- Comments:
172 -- 2014-11-11 -- Explosion in Kharkov damages train --- Comments:
173 -- 2014-11-10 -- Explosion at bar wounds 8 in Kharkov -- UPDATED --- Comments:
174 -- 2014-11-06 -- Artillery firing intensifies in Donetsk, Lugansk --- Comments:
175 -- 2014-11-05 -- Election sours Russian, NATO relations --- Comments:
176 -- 2014-11-04 -- Donbas militias total 27K effectives, including Rooshuns --- Comments:
177 -- 2014-10-26 -- As Ukraina searches for a cause for war, militias prepare for attack --- Comments:
178 -- 2014-10-25 -- Donbas militias prepare for Ukrainian offensive --- Comments:
179 -- 2014-10-22 -- Donetsk premier says shelling undermines negotiations --- Comments:
180 -- 2014-10-15 -- Former Donetsk official survives assassination attempt --- Comments:
181 -- 2014-10-14 -- Poroshenko replaces his 3rd defense minister --- Comments:
182 -- 2014-10-08 -- Militias say Ukrainian offensive in Donetsk begins this week --- Comments:
183 -- 2014-10-07 -- OSCE proceeds with truce plans as Donetsk airport battle continues --- Comments:
184 -- 2014-10-03 -- "90 percent" of Donetsk airport in militia hands --- Comments:
185 -- 2014-10-01 -- Militias claim Ukrainians preparing new offensive --- Comments:
186 -- 2014-09-30 -- Truce ends as battles rage in Donetsk, Lugansk --- Comments:
187 -- 2014-09-28 -- Pro Russian militias find mass graves in Donetsk --- Comments:
188 -- 2014-09-17 -- Document declaring united army for Novorossiya may be bogus --- Comments:
189 -- 2014-09-16 -- Ukrainians, separatists exchange artillery fire in Donetsk --- Comments:
190 -- 2014-09-13 -- Ukrainian, pro Russian militia redeployments continue --- Comments:
191 -- 2014-09-11 -- Shelling continues in Donetsk despite truce --- Comments:
192 -- 2014-09-09 -- Both sides in Ukraina violate truce --- Comments:
193 -- 2014-09-08 -- Pro Russian militias on attack prior to truce --- Comments:
194 -- 2014-09-07 -- Failed coup in Donetsk --- Comments:
195 -- 2014-09-07 -- Artillery fire continues in Donetsk despite truce --- Comments:
196 -- 2014-09-04 -- Lugansk airport destroyed by Ukrainian military --- Comments:
197 -- 2014-09-02 -- Pro Russian militias ring up 4 aircraft, two boats --- Comments:
198 -- 2014-09-02 -- Russian Order of Battle, September 1st --- Comments:
199 -- 2014-08-27 -- Pro Russian militias solidify positions east of Mariupol --- Comments:
200 -- 2014-08-26 -- Ukrainian military units continue shelling cities --- Comments:
201 -- 2014-08-25 -- Fighting continues in southeast Ukraina --- Comments:
202 -- 2014-08-24 -- As aid convoy arrives, Ukrainians shell Lugansk --- Comments:
203 -- 2014-08-22 -- 3 more Ukrainian military aircraft go down --- Comments:
204 -- 2014-08-21 -- Pro Russian militia shoot down Ukrainian aircraft --- Comments:
205 -- 2014-08-20 -- US mercenary dies near Donetsk --- Comments:
206 -- 2014-08-19 -- More than 23 K in losses for Ukrainian Army --- Comments:
207 -- 2014-08-18 -- Ukrainian MiG-29 shot down near Lugansk --- Comments:
208 -- 2014-08-17 -- 37 civilians die in shelling in Donetsk and Lugansk --- Comments:
209 -- 2014-08-15 -- Ukrainian Army overruns airport at Lugansk --- Comments:
210 -- 2014-08-14 -- US mercenaries reportedly in Ukraina battle --- Comments:
211 -- 2014-08-12 -- Russian nationalists capture US made Javelin ATGMs --- Comments:
212 -- 2014-08-11 -- Russian nationalist Igor Bezler talks about the war --- Comments:
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