5232Free Fire Zone: When life hands you a lemon, make a vodka and tonic.

1 -- 2013-10-19 -- New links --- Comments:
2 -- 2013-07-27 -- About Anthony Weiner --- Comments:
3 -- 2013-06-22 -- Change in Links --- Comments:
4 -- 2012-07-17 -- I should have written this... --- Comments:
5 -- 2012-07-14 -- Kerry Kennedy holds her post accident press conference --- Comments:
6 -- 2012-06-28 -- A Metaphor explaining the SCOTUS decision --- Comments:
7 -- 2012-05-31 -- Mexican Human Rights Defenders --- Comments:
8 -- 2012-05-16 -- Yahoo! Big Story: The Cadereyta Massacre --- Comments:
9 -- 2012-05-09 -- Peggy Noonan II --- Comments:
10 -- 2012-05-03 -- Baltasar Garzon: Dangerous Man --- Comments:
11 -- 2012-04-22 -- Top 10 Data left on the Iranian Captured Spy Drone --- Comments:
12 -- 2012-04-19 -- Love and Marriage Part I --- Comments:
13 -- 2012-04-15 -- Miss Jane removes all doubt, Part I --- Comments:
14 -- 2011-12-30 -- Penn State Football Recruiting --- Comments:
15 -- 2011-11-29 -- Way to go Google! --- Comments:
16 -- 2011-11-01 -- Herman Cain Sexual Harrasment Lawsuit Settlement Offers --- Comments:
17 -- 2011-10-18 -- Rigoberta Menchu Appears in Chihuahua --- Comments:
18 -- 2011-10-02 -- Peggy Noonan --- Comments:
19 -- 2011-09-27 -- Kerry Kennedy Discusses Human Rights --- Comments:
20 -- 2011-09-17 -- Sicilia meets with the EZLN --- Comments:
21 -- 2011-09-03 -- A Preview of Obama's Jobs Speech --- Comments:
22 -- 2011-08-12 -- Human Rights in Mexico --- Comments:
23 -- 2011-07-24 -- Some Old Jokes --- Comments:
24 -- 2011-07-12 -- Professer Althouse and Her Fashion Sense --- Comments:
25 -- 2011-07-06 -- Blog Wars II: Pamela Geller --- Comments:
26 -- 2011-06-17 -- The Kittehing --- Comments:
27 -- 2011-06-12 -- Chavez Goes Under the Knife --- Comments:
28 -- 2011-06-01 -- Public Service Announcement: DOPE --- Comments:
29 -- 2011-05-08 -- Gutsy: A Byword for Lame, I Guess --- Comments:
30 -- 2011-03-07 -- ATF's Gun Walker project --- Comments:
31 -- 2011-02-02 -- My Band: Furu Furu Park --- Comments:
32 -- 2011-01-09 -- Another Irresponsible Leftist Gun Owner --- Comments:
33 -- 2010-12-31 -- Disarmament Continues --- Comments:
34 -- 2010-12-17 -- About That Shooter in Florida --- Comments:
35 -- 2010-09-29 -- F*cking Weird; That is O'Keefe --- Comments:
36 -- 2010-09-04 -- Old Men and War --- Comments:
37 -- 2010-09-04 -- Damn! It's Gettin Crowded in Here! --- Comments:
38 -- 2010-08-28 -- New Link: I Hate the Media --- Comments:
39 -- 2010-08-26 -- Everything Looks Like a Nail --- Comments:
40 -- 2010-07-04 -- An Independence Day Sentiment --- Comments:
41 -- 2010-07-04 -- Rachel Marsden: 15th Hottest, Literally --- Comments:
42 -- 2010-06-19 -- Writing in Rantburg --- Comments:
43 -- 2010-03-28 -- Engines and Memories --- Comments:
44 -- 2010-03-01 -- About BSG Season Four... --- Comments:
45 -- 2010-02-21 -- Strap on that 'Chute, Arianna --- Comments:
46 -- 2010-01-30 -- National Geographic, FLDS and Morality --- Comments:
47 -- 2010-01-09 -- Next Time, Bring Your A Game --- Comments:
48 -- 2009-12-19 -- badanov Weighs In --- Comments:
49 -- 2009-12-17 -- Miss Jane Begs for Money --- Comments:
50 -- 2009-12-02 -- I Can't Win a War And Socialize the USA at Once --- Comments:
51 -- 2009-10-05 -- LGF, Pamela Geller and the Blog Wars, Part III --- Comments:
52 -- 2009-10-01 -- Obama Lisa and Rocky --- Comments:
53 -- 2009-09-23 -- LGF, Pamela Geller and the Blog Wars, Part II --- Comments:
54 -- 2009-09-16 -- DMCA This -- With Rocky --- Comments:
55 -- 2009-08-23 -- Diversity Lane -- New Link --- Comments:
56 -- 2009-08-16 -- Dennis the Peasant and Health Care --- Comments:
57 -- 2009-08-14 -- Glenn Back is a F*cking Idiot! Part II --- Comments:
58 -- 2009-08-08 -- But How Did He Know? --- Comments:
59 -- 2009-07-26 -- Whale Tries to Harpoon Sailor --- Comments:
60 -- 2009-06-26 -- Some Friday Morning Mighty, Mighty Bosstones --- Comments:
61 -- 2009-06-23 -- Neda Didn't Get an Invite --- Comments:
62 -- 2009-06-21 -- Simplest Explanations Are the Best: Part V --- Comments:
63 -- 2009-06-10 -- Ashton Wants to Send Special Forces to North Korea --- Comments:
64 -- 2009-06-08 -- Misogyny as Intellectual Thought Part IIIb --- Comments:
65 -- 2009-06-06 -- Good Bye Tonight Show --- Comments:
66 -- 2009-06-03 -- Misogyny as Intellectual Thought Part III --- Comments:
67 -- 2009-04-18 -- Obama -- Fail --- Comments:
68 -- 2009-04-11 -- "...rode hard and put away wet..." --- Comments:
69 -- 2009-04-10 -- Someone Email Me When This Is Over --- Comments:
70 -- 2009-04-03 -- A Return Engagement: DTP --- Comments:
71 -- 2009-03-25 -- Peg Waits to Exhale --- Comments:
72 -- 2009-03-18 -- The Obamanation on Late Night --- Comments:
73 -- 2009-03-13 -- A Simple Philosophy of Life --- Comments:
74 -- 2009-02-15 -- Hotair.Com Punked? --- Comments:
75 -- 2009-02-14 -- Friday Night Dave Grohl --- Comments:
76 -- 2009-02-07 -- Nuggets from an Islamic Fanboi --- Comments:
77 -- 2009-01-22 -- Basic Truth I --- Comments:
78 -- 2009-01-10 -- Found This Little Gem --- Comments:
79 -- 2009-01-03 -- For the Lack of a Single Condom --- Comments:
80 -- 2008-11-15 -- About Obama --- Comments:
81 -- 2008-10-29 -- Industrial Strength Snark --- Comments:
82 -- 2008-10-12 -- My Money is on the Fast Attack Subs --- Comments:
83 -- 2008-09-09 -- Dennis the Peasant: Messiah is a Bore --- Comments:
84 -- 2008-08-30 -- McCain Bumper Sticker --- Comments:
85 -- 2008-08-21 -- Wednesday Night Country Music with Junior Brown --- Comments:
86 -- 2008-08-16 -- Saturday Afternoon Country from Aaron Tippin --- Comments:
87 -- 2008-08-16 -- Friday Evening Beastie Boys --- Comments:
88 -- 2008-08-12 -- A Little Russian --- Comments:
89 -- 2008-08-09 -- Goldstein Calls it Quits --- Comments:
90 -- 2008-07-19 -- International Swimmers Day --- Comments:
91 -- 2008-07-19 -- Barak Obama Quote Generator --- Comments:
92 -- 2008-07-08 -- Tomorrow --- Comments:
93 -- 2008-07-01 -- A Heartfel Country Anthem --- Comments:
94 -- 2008-07-01 -- Monday Night Under Pressure --- Comments:
95 -- 2008-06-28 -- Paraphrasing Kenny Chesney... --- Comments:
96 -- 2008-06-20 -- The Feminization of Baby Alex --- Comments:
97 -- 2008-06-07 -- Battlestar Galactica --- Comments:
98 -- 2008-05-04 -- Sunday Afternoon Alternative Rock --- Comments:
99 -- 2008-05-03 -- Saturday Afternoon Country from Restless Heart --- Comments:
100 -- 2008-04-27 -- Some Sunday Morning Rock from Linkin Park --- Comments:
101 -- 2008-04-19 -- The Great Unwinding of the Left --- Comments:
102 -- 2008-04-12 -- Hello, Dalai --- Comments:
103 -- 2008-03-15 -- Fleet Action: March 15th,2008 --- Comments:
104 -- 2008-03-14 -- Some Friday Night Rock from Shinedown --- Comments:
105 -- 2008-03-12 -- Why Silda Will Stay --- Comments:
106 -- 2008-03-01 -- Murder on Music Row --- Comments:
107 -- 2007-12-25 -- A Christmas Wish --- Comments:
108 -- 2007-12-24 -- Don't Forget the Porkchop! --- Comments:
109 -- 2007-11-21 -- Suds in the Bucket --- Comments:
110 -- 2007-11-21 -- Lettuce Prey --- Comments:
111 -- 2007-11-10 -- In Honor of Better Men than Myself --- Comments:
112 -- 2007-11-01 -- Change of Life -- Change of Blog --- Comments:
113 -- 2007-08-21 -- E-Crimes Against E-Humanity --- Comments:
114 -- 2007-08-18 -- Encyclopedia Dramatica: For the LOLZ --- Comments:
115 -- 2007-07-14 -- The Latest Threat to America --- Comments:
116 -- 2007-06-30 -- Debbie Now Does Spammers --- Comments:
117 -- 2007-06-18 -- At Sea Liberty for Bubbleheads --- Comments:
118 -- 2007-06-18 -- A Father's Day Sentiment --- Comments:
119 -- 2007-06-17 -- Yassar Arafats Nobel Peace Prize --- Comments:
120 -- 2007-06-09 -- Requiem for a Heavyweight --- Comments:
121 -- 2007-06-03 -- The Strange Case of Rachel Marsden --- Comments:
122 -- 2007-05-28 -- One Billion Dim Bulbs --- Comments:
123 -- 2007-05-28 -- The Terrible Twos --- Comments:
124 -- 2007-04-27 -- Shoulda Gone 41 --- Comments:
125 -- 2007-04-13 -- Yet Another Pajamas Media Update III --- Comments:
126 -- 2007-04-08 -- Yet Another Pajamas Media Update II --- Comments:
127 -- 2007-04-06 -- Yet Another Update on Pajamas Media --- Comments:
128 -- 2007-04-06 -- Weather Report --- Comments:
129 -- 2007-04-04 -- Emotional Availability --- Comments:
130 -- 2007-03-23 -- Light Posting --- Comments:
131 -- 2007-02-24 -- What About My Cat's Snoring? --- Comments:
132 -- 2007-02-22 -- Pajamas Media: An Update --- Comments:
133 -- 2007-02-18 -- Al Bundy Russian Style --- Comments:
134 -- 2007-02-17 -- Snark of the Week --- Comments:
135 -- 2007-02-13 -- Pandagon: A Postscript --- Comments:
136 -- 2007-02-03 -- Its Only a Paper Moon --- Comments:
137 -- 2007-01-25 -- Badanov's Serenity Prayer --- Comments:
138 -- 2007-01-07 -- Our Official Title --- Comments:
139 -- 2007-01-06 -- An Original Limerick --- Comments:
140 -- 2007-01-01 -- Common Sense Rulez for an Evil Overlord --- Comments:
141 -- 2006-12-28 -- Linecrossers --- Comments:
142 -- 2006-12-24 -- Lights --- Comments:
143 -- 2006-12-21 -- A Christmas Sentiment --- Comments:
144 -- 2006-12-11 -- A VERY Bad Football Analogy --- Comments:
145 -- 2006-12-09 -- John Bolton Leaves the UN --- Comments:
146 -- 2006-12-05 -- Which Military Aircraft Are You? --- Comments:
147 -- 2006-12-01 -- How Dare You Question My Existance! --- Comments:
148 -- 2006-11-29 -- "Zipper Failure" and Wise Words to Heed... --- Comments:
149 -- 2006-11-28 -- Quote of the Day --- Comments:
150 -- 2006-11-25 -- Another Nice Sentiment --- Comments:
151 -- 2006-11-12 -- And Now a Word from Our New Socialist Overlords --- Comments:
152 -- 2006-11-09 -- Belly Laugh for the Day --- Comments:
153 -- 2006-10-24 -- The Incredible Flying Eagle --- Comments:
154 -- 2006-10-05 -- How Big Is Your Footprint? --- Comments:
155 -- 2006-10-05 -- How Big Is Your Footprint? --- Comments:
156 -- 2006-10-05 -- How Big Is Your Footprint? --- Comments:
157 -- 2006-09-25 -- Richard L. Covert, 1927-2006 RIP --- Comments:
158 -- 2006-09-09 -- Clauswitz Speaks --- Comments:
159 -- 2006-09-02 -- Free Speech for Me! --- Comments:
160 -- 2006-08-25 -- Gaia and Girls Gone Gaga --- Comments:
161 -- 2006-08-22 -- NY Times Is On Crack --- Comments:
162 -- 2006-08-02 -- Journalism Has Its Price --- Comments:
163 -- 2006-07-28 -- Sock Puppetry on Blogs --- Comments:
164 -- 2006-07-22 -- Get Out the Kleenex, Folks --- Comments:
165 -- 2006-07-07 -- Should We Be Worried? --- Comments:
166 -- 2006-07-04 -- An Independance Day Sentiment --- Comments:
167 -- 2006-06-15 -- Ship of Fools --- Comments:
168 -- 2006-06-14 -- Happy 231st --- Comments:
169 -- 2006-06-13 -- Lex Fisks NPR --- Comments:
170 -- 2006-05-28 -- First Post a Year Ago --- Comments:
171 -- 2006-05-22 -- New Link: Captain's Quarters --- Comments:
172 -- 2006-05-15 -- A Post-Mother's Day Sentiment --- Comments:
173 -- 2006-05-10 -- Dennis Ain't No Librul --- Comments:
174 -- 2006-05-08 -- The Kennedy Curse: 2006 --- Comments:
175 -- 2006-05-05 -- Feminism Comes to Robotics --- Comments:
176 -- 2006-04-25 -- New Internet War at Hand --- Comments:
177 -- 2006-04-17 -- Aarons is Back! Yippee! --- Comments:
178 -- 2006-04-16 -- Me 'R' a Author! --- Comments:
179 -- 2006-04-12 -- Someone's Watching You --- Comments:
180 -- 2006-04-10 -- New Link -- Terps Boy and Terps Talk --- Comments:
181 -- 2006-04-09 -- New Link -- Neptunus Lex --- Comments:
182 -- 2006-04-06 -- A Break in the Action --- Comments:
183 -- 2006-04-02 -- Starting Over at 52 --- Comments:
184 -- 2006-03-08 -- Misogyny As Intellectual Thought II --- Comments:
185 -- 2006-02-23 -- 'Nuff Said... --- Comments:
186 -- 2006-02-18 -- Pajamas Media and Opinion Journal --- Comments:
187 -- 2006-02-15 -- Close Your Pajamas: Here Comes opinionjournal.com --- Comments:
188 -- 2006-02-05 -- Out of Respect for Islam... --- Comments:
189 -- 2006-01-26 -- PJ Media, plus a Word from our Sponsor --- Comments:
190 -- 2006-01-26 -- The Cavalry ARE the Ladies in Distress --- Comments:
191 -- 2006-01-15 -- James Wolcott: Misogyny as Intelligent Thought --- Comments:
192 -- 2005-12-21 -- And So It Begins... --- Comments:
193 -- 2005-12-18 -- More Analysis on Pajamas Media --- Comments:
194 -- 2005-12-16 -- This is Ugly --- Comments:
195 -- 2005-12-16 -- Oopsie! False Alarm! --- Comments:
196 -- 2005-12-15 -- Pajamas and Ads in Volitile Mix --- Comments:
197 -- 2005-12-12 -- New Category -- Enjoy the Show --- Comments:
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